Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Setback For Race Relations

Uncork the champagne! Barak Obama, the man of the hour, after a brutally long, (a year and a half) and wearying political campaign, looks as if he will have an easy gallop to the Presidency. Thanks to a plummeting stock market, sinking faster than a poor sap wearing a cement overcoat in the East river. Combined with the inept and chaotic thinking of John McCain, which has translated to his campaign staff, as they try to keep up with their candidate’s indecipherable rhetoric, Obama, who comes equipped with a quiet and easy demeanor, has only to be concerned, with committing a large verbal gaff. Which, if history is any guide, is a minutely small possibility.

For all of Barak Obama’s claims of “change,” one can detect very little of it in his stated agendas, filled with hazy notions, that voters, who, after this insanely long election season, (enough to make drying paint interesting), are exhausted, and don’t seem the least bit interested in knowing.

As many in today’s mainstream media are actively and openly rooting, without any pretense of being objective, for Mr. Obama, the real question is - why? Well… one reason is obvious, Democrats, finding no problem too small for government to solve, agree with Obama’s, nebulous agenda. Another, the mainstream media ie: ABC, NBC, and CBS, are inhabited in overwhelming numbers, by self-admitted liberals.

But, why are the mainstream media, rooting so openly for Obama? Well… here’s your answer – slavery. It’s that simple. What separates those on the left from those of us on the right is - guilt. It’s what defines you as a Democrat. Those on the left don’t want anyone to suffer, or be without anything at anytime, otherwise they “feel” bad. So they look to government, (which is more than happy to accommodate their guilt) to relieve them of their “burdens.”

Those of us, conservatives, (such as myself) who are not burdened by such guilt, believe that in this country, anyone can make it if they’re willing to work hard, and if they don’t make it and remain impoverished, it’s not because of white racism.

I believe those on the left, are genetically prone toward feeling guilt. Which extends – ridiculously, to slavery. An institution formerly ended, (with a war which left over six hundred thousand dead) in 1864, by President Lincoln.

I can’t believe I have to make this point, but - Today, there is absolutely no one alive in this country who has ever owned a slave. And no one alive who’s parent, grand parents, or great grand parents, have ever owned another human being. Yet, those on the left, existing in some bizzaro world – feel burdened by guilt over the matter.

So, you ask - why feel guilty? Well…and here we come to the heart of the matter. The guilt liberals feel, is as I stated above, partly genetic, and more ominously, narcissistic. It’s a guilt that they believe can be solved by merely pulling a lever, ie: I’m a Democrat, I’m morally superior to those who disagree with me because I care about the poor, unprivileged, the minority class, and those right wing nut jobs, don’t. And, because I vote for the right people – ie: those who do care - therefore I care, which makes me a good citizen.

The narcissistic nature of those on the left is what is most ominous. Ominous, because it has no end. If your basic disposition is to feel guilt for all you have, and for others who have less, there becomes an endless need to assuage that guilt. And, that type of guilt can destroy a democracy.

Recently at their second Presidential debate, John McCain pointed and referred to Barak Obama as “that one.” Emphasizing a point to the audience of a big spending bill proposed by the Bush administration, and voted for by Obama.

The next day some in the media were actually speculating if McCain’s finger pointing was a subtle racist jesture. Huh? Am I missing something here? Uh-Oh, thought I.

Next, we had Representative John Lewis, a respected icon of the civil rights movement, saying that McCain’s campaign reminded him of the George Wallace campaign (The now deceased former separatist governor of Alabama.) This, because a few idiots, at a few of McCain’s campaign rallies were shouting moronic things.

These are just a few bizarre examples, which pass for legitimate opinion in today’s media, and are the result of an obsession with race. An ominous omen for our future as Senator Obama is about to become the first minority to ascend to the Presidency.

Will today’s media, who’s collective cowardice, which would embarrass a lion in Oz, be able to pass any criticism upon Obama? If things went horribly wrong ie: another costly war, budget deficits, even worse than they are now, or horrible social policy - would the media, and liberals, white Americans ever criticize Obama? And, if they did, would black Americans see that criticism as legitimate, or a sign of racism? The answer to the above is no and yes respectively.

White liberals, in electing Obama, will be excising the narcissistic guilt they feel over slavery. Believing things will be gloriously better for them, black Americans will be basking in the glory of the first “African American” Presidency. Of course, as with all things in life, sometimes getting what you wish becomes a rued proposition.

Throughout this campaign Senator Obama, has barely mentioned race, and the sad state of black inner city culture. Like the abundantly eared Horton, - I can barely hear the Who. One might suppose that Obama, on the verge of becoming the first minority to ascend to the Presidency, would have as one of his main platforms, solutions for black inner city poverty.

The comedian, Bill Cosby, who rose to prominence during the nineteen sixties, has actually experienced real racism; risen above, and around it, to become one of our country’s greatest comedians and wealthiest American’s. Cosby has, in recent years, made a crusade of telling the black inner city what it doesn’t want to hear.

With seven out of ten black children being born out of wedlock, his message is this – “straighten up and fly right!” Young women, stop having babies! Young black men, stop listening to the putrid, destructive, rantings of rap music – stop the cursing, (using the “N” word) – show respect for women. Stay in school; aspire to go to college. Learning, and being smart is not “being white.” A message many white Americans applaud.

One might think, that someone of Cosby’s historical caliper, imparting words of wisdom, would be a welcome voice in the black community. But, not so, for all his altruism, Cosby has been rebuffed as an elitist, and branded by some black Americans, and oddly, even some guilt ridden white ultra-liberals, as an “uncle tom.”

So resistant has inner city black culture become to reason, that they’re willing to toss one of their own out the window, because he dares to utter the truth – something victimization industries, made up of Jacksons, Sharptons, and strangely enough, “educators,” of the world, have brain washed the inner city culture to reject.

I fear this is an omen of things to come. I see any criticism of an Obama administration as being met with cries of racism. And, I see Barak Obama doing absolutely nothing to stem that sentiment. What advantage would there be for Obama to say criticisms of his policies are legitimate, and not based on his race?

Indeed, throughout this campaign, Obama has shown little appetite for controversy. For someone with such a bold catch phrase as “change,” he treads most cautiously around issues. Proposals he labels as “bold” are, when examined, just the same re-hashed liberalism that’s been sputtered by Democrats since the beginning of the last century. In this case, if he’s to live up to his rhetoric, media and public expectation, Obama, will need to pull something a lot more engaging than a rabbit out of his hat.

With Senator Obama’s inevitable victory, I, being a conservative, am left with only one hope. Which is this: that once sitting behind his rather ample desk, ensconced in that oddly shaped room, President Obama will be inspired by the likes of Mr. Cosby, Martian Luther King, Fredrick Douglas, Thomas Soule, and Walter Williams. All who’ve written, and preached self-reliance; an end to black separatism and self-pity. All of whom have preached - the end of racism will come, not by wallowing in it, but rising above it.

If, after four, or eight years, there’s only one “change” to come out of an Obama Presidency, I would hope it would be a change in government rhetoric and more importantly policy, toward the black inner city.

Wouldn’t it be great if Obama ignored the teachers unions and implemented school choice, by providing vouchers for inner city parents, paying for their children to attend better institutions. This would cause the schools to compete for students, creating a better learning environment.

Wouldn’t it be great, if once a week, President Obama, would put forth one of his oratorical masterpieces, echoing the themes of Mr. Cosby?

Wouldn’t it be just fine if the only “change” that occurs in an Obama administration, actually occurs in black inner city culture, with a belief in self- reliance, in the belief that white America owes you nothing. Wouldn’t it?

We’re these things to occur, I would happily admit to being wrong about Barak Obama. I would happily say (much to the delight of my family) that President Obama was a transformative figure in American history.

However, judging from his past, in Chicago, being part of a race based, culturally separatist “church,” for twenty-five years, with it’s racist preacher as his mentor. Associating with dubious characters; Resco, Ayers, etc. And his absolute lack for creating any great “change” legislatively in his political past, forgive me dear reader for being highly dubious.

From what I’ve witnessed so far, I fear an Obama administration will lead to an inflation of the tensions that exits in black inner cities today. Without challenging conventional mores, which has set in within liberal and inner city cultures. An Obama Presidency will become a footnote in history because of the ascendancy of the first black American to its office. But, without a sea change in race relations, will be seen as a sadly missed opportunity for real “change.” The result will be, an Obama Presidency judged not by the content of it’s character, but, by the color of it’s skin.

To quote the immortal words of Dr. Martin Luther King – “I have a dream, I have a dream!”